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Article I  General


1. Name: The name of the specialty group is the MEDIA & COMMUNICATION GEOGRAPHY SPECIALTY GROUP of the American Association of  Geographers.


2. Mission Statement.  The MEDIA AND COMMUNICATION GEOGRAPHY SPECIALTY GROUP of the AAG strives to enhance geographic research and scholarship on matters relating to media and communication by: (a) encouraging the exchange of ideas among geographers studying technical, social, economic, political, and/or cultural aspects of media and communication, (b) promoting research in topics related to media and communication contexts (infrastructure and institutions) and content (discourses, texts, and images), (c) encouraging reflection on the communicational role and social mission of geographers both in and out of the classroom.  In doing so, we support the AAG's mission of advancing professional studies in geography and encouraging the application of geographic research in education, government, and business.


3. Purpose

a)  To carry out the mission of the Association of American Geographers with specific emphasis on Media and Communication issues.

b)  To encourage effective participation, communication, and the free exchange of ideas among MCGSG members by sponsoring special conference sessions and workshops, developing proposals for funding, regularly maintaining the Specialty Group website, and networking on a regular basis.

c)  To create a greater spirit of collaboration and cooperation with other specialty groups and related organizations.

e)  To transmit to the AAG Executive Council carefully considered recommendations on matters relating to communication between and among geographers, and between geographers and policy makers and the public.


Article II  Members


1. Types.  The membership of the MCGSG consists of Regular Members and Corresponding Members.

2. Regular Membership.  The MCGSG is open to all members of the Association of American Geographers.  Dues for regular and corresponding members will be set at the annual business meeting and can be changed by majority vote, a quorum being present.  Members have full voting privileges and are eligible to hold office or serve on group committees.

3. Corresponding Membership.  Non-geographers and foreign geographers residing outside the United States and Canada may join the MCGSG without joining the AAG.  Annual dues will be collected by the Secretary-Treasurer of the MCGSG.

4. Business Meetings.  Business meetings will be held yearly at each national conference.

5. Special Meetings.  Special meetings may be held by three or more members at a time and place of their choosing.  Organizers of such events shall notify the members of the MCGSG in advance via the SG e-mail list.

6. Quorum Requirements.  At business meetings, and in mail ballots, a quorum will be ten (10) percent of the MCGSG group membership.  A quorum is not required for the election of officers.


Article III  Responsibilities of Officers


The MCGSG consists of five offices: the Chairperson, the Secretary-Treasurer, the Communications Director, and the Student Liaison.  All elected officers are members of the executive committee and all may be either a student or a professor/instructor except for the Student Liaison, who must be a student.


Chairperson:  The chairperson carries a three-year term and should serve no more than two consecutive terms.  The MCGSG chairperson shall:

1. coordinate all activities of the MCGSG.  These include: organizing special sessions and workshops at the AAG meetings, presiding at business meetings, appointing committees, assisting with the student paper competition, initiating projects that enhance research and education opportunities, creating a closer spirit of cooperation with other specialty groups and organizations interested in communication, and furthering the missions and objectives of the MCGSG;

2. prepare and submits an annual report to the AAG executive committee within one month of the conclusion of the AAG annual meeting.  The report should detail MCGSG activities for the previous year and goals for the coming year; and

3. oversee the publication of the semi-annual Specialty Group newsletter.  The Chair or a director can serve as newsletter editor.


Secretary-Treasurer:  The secretary-Treasurer serves a two-year term and is expected to:

1. manage and maintain all MCGSG business and financial records;

2. take minutes at business meetings; and

3. preside at meetings in the absence of the director.


Communications Director:  The communications director serves a two-year term and is expected to:

1. update the list of CGSG addresses and e-mail addresses;

2. maintain the CGSG website and occasionally notifying members of updates to the site;

3. collect and formatting notices for posting on the MCGSG website;

4. improve the functionality and appeal of the website.


Student Liaison:  The student-director must be a student at the time of election.  He or she serves a two-year term and is expected to:

1. organize and direct the student paper competition;

2. assist in organizing special sessions and workshops;

3. encourage student participation in MCGSG, for example through special column posted on the MCGSG website.


Article IV  Executive Committee


The Executive Committee oversees the operation and general direction of the Communication Geography Specialty Group.  It also serves as an advisory board to the group.  This committee consists of the Chairperson, Director, Secretary-Treasurer, Communications Director, and the Student Liaison.  The executive committee collects information from prospective candidates for all of the offices of the MCGSG and makes such information available to members via the MCGSG website by the first of February each year, then conducts elections of officers at the annual meeting.  Members not present at the meeting can not be elected to hold office.

Article V  Amendments


Amendments to the constitution and by-laws proposed either by the executive committee or members of the MCGSG may be made by a two-thirds majority vote and a quorum present at business meetings.  A vote will be taken only after a printed notice of proposed changes has been submitted to all members of the MCGSG.

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